Monday, 17 April 2023

Purbeck Farm Own A Successful Dairy (Part6)

In the sixth episode of this series, we bale some of the grass we cut into silage bales.

Sunday, 16 April 2023

I Try Rust PvP Again!!

As I have said in other videos, rust is one of my favorite games, to the point I love it so much, that I now run my own server for fellow players, like me who can not play the pvp maps, as many of you know I have a disability which slows my nervous system functions slow reaction time to what i see and what my body does, which basically means, that a player attacks me, by the time I can do anything I am dead, my hands shake so it's hard to gain control for aiming, I love rust, it is one of my favorite games, but everytime I play pvp servers, I die constantly, in over 400 hours of playtime I have only ever won one pvp fight, but then lost 30 seconds later to his clan member.

Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Purbeck Farm Own A Successful Dairy Farm (Part4)

In the fourth episode of this series, we do the harvest contract and bale the straw to store at the farm for when we get cows.

Purbeck Farm Own A Successful Dairy Farm (Part3)

New series of videos, where we start a brand new game save and attempt to work our way up to having a successful dairy farm, with no cheating money, vehicles or anything else, the only way we will grow the farm is by either bank loans, selling produce from the farm like crops or bales.

In the third episode of this series, we use our tiny tedder to dry the grass we cut, then also do another contract to earn some more money, I got to now decide if we are going to keep the hay bales, or sell them, but we actually have to bale them first right?.

Purbeck Farm Own A Successful Dairy Farm (Part2)

New series of videos, where we start a brand new game save and attempt to work our way up to having a successful dairy farm, with no cheating money, vehicles or anything else, the only way we will grow the farm is by either bank loans, selling produce from the farm like crops or bales. 

In the second episode, we start out doing our first contract, then we get to tedder out the grass on one of the fields we cut in part 1

Saturday, 1 April 2023

Purbeck Farm Own A Successful Dairy Farm Part1

New series of videos, where we start a brand new game save and attempt to work our way up to having a successful dairy farm, with no cheating money, vehicles or anything else, the only way we will grow the farm is by either bank loans, selling produce from the farm like crops or bales. 

In the very first episode, we tour the farm, and mow some grass with plans ( originally ) of selling either the bales of silage or hay, but then I rethink the idea.

The video will be going live on Monday 3rd April 2023 starting at 4pm (GMT)

A couple of images of the map I am recording this new series on.