Friday, 18 July 2014

Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Fantasy Paint Jobs DLC

We have accepted invitation to make Euro Truck Simulator 2 a part of Humble Weekly Bundle: Simulators 2. If you don't know what Humble Bundle does yet, they are worth checking
out and maybe even bookmarking - you can get good games on the cheap,
and at the same time do your bit to make the world a better place by
supporting charity.

Somewhat related, our regular audits reveal that there are still
hundreds of thousands of people playing the game, to put it gently, with
no valid activation code. This discounted bundle may be a chance for
them to finally buy a genuine copy of the game and support SCS Software
in our work towards the ultimate truck simulator. To improve the
proposition, we have even spiced up this bundle release with a
time-limited exclusive: an all-new truck paint job DLC, with a theme
quite attractive to old-school gamers. We'll make it available for
purchase after the event, but for a few days the Fantasy Paint Jobs Pack
DLC can only be had in the Humble Weekly bundle.

The comments below this blog post will of course be mostly about the status of the upcoming ETS2 update and overall progress...

So here is a short status report before the weekend:

The open beta for ETS2 Update 1.11 has brought in a lot of feedback. We
have a huge changelog of bug fixes and improvements since the open beta
was launched, probably more than we anticipated, but it only proves that
spending some time with the community at large providing feedback is
very useful before actually going public with a game update. ETA for
release? Possibly early next week, unless a new major bug is spotted. In
that case, we'll test your patience again - but surely you'd prefer to
get game updates with as few bugs as possible.

The new DAF Euro 6 truck is now very close to finish line at last. It
had better - over half a man-year has been invested into it so far! We
hope to release it as the main star of one of upcoming game updates at
some point this Summer. Meanwhile, the teams are working on two more
truck models for ETS2, and two more for ATS!

The Euro Truck map design team working on a new ETS2 expansion - DLC
Scandinavia - is working very hard even now in the middle of the hot
summer. There is extensive work being done on the back-end of World of
Trucks. Yet another bus model is under construction in one corner of the
office, while a new trailer set is under construction on the opposite
side of the office. New game features are trialled for future 1.12 ETS2
update already in closed testing... you see, we keep ourselves busy!