Being a beta tester for SCS , I often have to keep things from the
general gaming community until SCS allow me to release information, SCS
have released quite alot of information on the new truck model to be
added to Euro Truck Simulator 2 in recent weeks/months, and now it is at
the beta stage, Michal from SCS has kindly agreed to allow me to
release exclusive screenshots of this great looking truck, I love my in
game Scania, and have done nearly 200 thousand km’s in the latest
profile alone, and estimate that it is close to 1 million km’s since the
game has been released, if you have seen any of my videos ( apart from
the pre-release beta videos ) they have been mostly using the Scania
R730, but now the Scania not my favorite truck in game it is the new
Volvo FH, which is a amazing model truck, very detailed, in fact I would
say it is beautiful, and has now become my must have drive.
To see more exsclusive new Volvo screenshots click here to check them out on the forums