I have included a couple of photo's of their trailer logo so you can compare it to my version.
Below is my version of the trailer from the above pictures
I don't think it came out to bad considering I have only attempted this kind of thing once before, my first attempt was ok but decided it was not good enough to release, the trailer above is my second attempt as different companys logo and is available on the TSGM forums along with loads more that are ready for download. Please note the above trailer was in the beta stage when the screen shots was taken, there is a final version on the forums ready for downloading.
I have also started to play about with the truck, so far I have only tried with the Volvo as I wanted to remove the globe traveller logo from above the windscreen, and replace it with the JRT logo, I have included a few screenshots below of this, this version is not ready for release as I want to tweak the logo, and add more JRT information onto the side of the trucks cab
Also don't forget that we are running a free to enter competition to win a digital download version of Euro Truck Simulator 2, you can enter by following the link located here please also remember that this competition is the first of five ( 1 of 5 ) competitions to give away digital copies of ETS2, so if you enter and do not win the first time you have another 4 chances to get your hands on the game for free, which can not be bad can it?
As far as the forums is going, we are growing bigger on a daily basis, we now have over 410 members, with more joining on a daily basis, so pop over and join up and check out the Euro Truck Simulator 2 mod section for the latest and greatest mods that are released.
PS: Sorry there have not been many posts on the blog for the last few days, what with work, a busy family life, and other commitments it has been hard to find the time to keep you posted, I will try to add more content to the blog to keep you informed of the best mods and how the forums is growing