Wednesday, 11 April 2018

SCS at EGX Rezzed 2018

EGX Rezzed is the biggest game event held in London, UK. This year's session will take place April 13-15 at the Tobacco Dock. As every year, there will be many presentations of new and upcoming games, development updates, tons announcements and news from the gaming industry. Chances are some of our UK fans are planning to attend.

We are sending out our team to the show, too. A pair of our senior developers will defend our colors at this extraordinary event, thanks to a kind invitation from Rock, Paper, Shotgun. American Truck Simulator Map Team Lead Ondřej Dufek and Vehicle Department Lead Hynek Svatoš will reveal some secrets from the development of our sims. Attentive viewers will have a chance to learn hot news from the development of ATS: Oregon and what the deal is with our trucks, trailers, and anything with a set of wheels.

Do not miss this developer session which will start on Friday 13th (yay!) At 5pm. You can watch it online on the dedicated Twitch channel.