I have added a image here which was taken from our very own farming simulator 19 dedicated multiplayer server, the numbers can be a little hard to read so I enlarged it into a box to make it easier.
This post is to explain why I am not able to stream, it is not a case I am unwilling just unable, as this image I have included on this blog post clearly shows that there is a issue with my internet, and please remember that this image was take on a multiplayer server I always play on, and get a normal ping of around 23ms.
I apologise from the bottom of my heart that I am unable to stream, and I miss it more than you can imagine, but there is nothing I can really do, I have been attempting to get my broadband provider to look into this issue, but they constantly ignore my requests, I have sent them logs of the router ( which they supplied as part of the package deal and has also been replaced since this is not the first issue I have had with my connection since going with them )