My son is a massive trucking fan, and loves the world famous Eddie Stobart brand above all others, and has asked me to make him a small selection of some of their trailers, I agreed ( big mistake ), and decided instead of doing the normal trailers, or biomass etc, I would push my limited skills to their limits and do their Stobart Super League trailers ( or at least a couple of them ), but it seems to have grown, and I am upto 11 of them now ( all a work in progress )
These are just Two of the trailers I have that I am currently working on, there are Nine more in the process bringing it to a total of Eleven.
I can not guarantee that all of them will make it into the final Eddie Stobart trailer pack, but I am trying my best, and have indeed lost count of the amount of man hours I have put into my little creation so far ( it runs around 60-80 hours or there abouts ), but I think the time spend so far has been worth it, or am I wrong?