Monday, 4 November 2024

Back Doing Skins

 It's been a long time since I released any skins for Euro Truck Simulator 2, as many of the people who have followed me for a long time know I spent hours upon hours doing skins for our then VTC, all truck models, and trailers infact ( you can check back on the history on our blog too find screenshots of them.

Then I started too do a skin pack of the world famous ( then ) Eddie Stobarts, and their beautiful Stobart Superleague trailers, which even now are some of my favorite skins in both the simulator World and of the the real World we live in.

Many of you know what happened back then too stop me doing this work, a lot of you don't, so I will explain, are we sitting comfortability, then I will begin, the first Superleague trailer skin I created was the London Bronco's rugby team version of the real Stobart trailer, I done a general release on our old forums, and within a few days the skin had racked up nearly 2000 downloads, and was getting some pretty good reviews, all good so far, but then the bad side of the simulator community showed it's ugly head, and a person ( I am not going too name names, or shame anybody this is just my version of what happened ), claimed the skin I had spent 40 hours making was infact their work and I had stolen it, I protested my innocence but was virtually ignored by all the modding/skinning community out there ( back then ), and this person said they had lost money because they did not release their work for free ( like I do ), but charged between £5-15 per skin, now with 2000 downloads this means this person claimed too have lost thouands of pounds.

I clearly stated I was in fact the creator of the skin, and could clearly show that the work was mine and nobody else's, it took me around 6 or 7 months too actually show that I was falsely accused and this other person was a liar, and then I found out that this person and downloaded my skin, changed nothing on it, and was selling it, and as a lot of people took this persons word for it, he started too sell it, and even some of the people who had downloaded the .scs file from our forums for free had actually sent him money, as far as I could fathom, this person made nearly £2000 off my work all while slandering me.

So you can imagine after all this, the hassle and everything I decided too stop making skins, I had already released I think at the time 3 of the Stobart superleague trailers ( it took a while for word too reach me about the claims ), it has take me years too come too terms with what happened.

So a few weeks ago, I started too make skins again, and yes I started again doing the Stobart superleague trailers, and so far I have released 3 trailers on the Steam workshop ( plus a I done a No Farmers No Food trailer release on another mod website )

Here are the 3 Stobart Superleague trailers released so far and the download link from the Steam workshop

Stobart Super League Castletigers 

Stobart Super League Warrington Wolves

Steam Download

Catalan Dragons Stobart Super League

Steam Download