I have been working on a few projects, and doing most of the creation in my trucks cab, while I am on break, or at night when I am resting ( it's better than watching TV or a Movie ).
My latest creation is my best work thus far, I decided to complete the Virginia truck skin with their 30th Anniversary Volvo FH16 750, driven by world famous trucker Luke Vernon, you can follow Luke's exploits as he travels around Europe in his truck with Bertie, by clicking this link to his Utube page ( Bertie should be world famous in his own right if you ask me ).
Well this is a picture of his real life truck
A very nice looking truck, called Lady Michelle
Below is a selection of screenshots of my version of Luke's real life Volvo FH16, I hope you like it, it seems I have a few members of the forums that like it, and as it is being beta tested now it should be up for download soon, the beta test is running to make sure that I have everything lined up correctly ( both sides of the truck )
Below is the Virginia Logo I drew to put onto the Volvo truck
This will be up for download on the TSGM forums in the next day or so.