Friday 6 September 2013

Change of Topic (and Continent!)

SCS updated their blog with the following post on Friday, September 6, 2013

There is going to be an avalanche of information, images, and movies from Euro Truck Simulator 2 – Going East! add-on coming at you during the next few weeks ahead of release from all sides. Just check out a fresh article on Rock, Paper, Shotgun.
But before this happens, let’s take a short break and take a look at another project under development at SCS Software – American Truck Simulator.

Most developers at our company are dual-monitor users, and there never seems to be enough good wallpapers for two monitors. Perhaps there are also dual-monitor players among the visitors of this blog, so we thought that we would give you a little gift. (Full size here)


Why stop at a wallpaper, maybe you would also appreciate some screenshots from the game?


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