Friday, 28 June 2019

Gaming Madhouse Offical GTA V 5M Server Update 28/06/2018

This is a learning process, and I am taking my time in learning how to do things for the server, IE adding scripts, cars, addons etc etc the list is virtually endless at this stage in the server development, plus off course I got to work on the forums, getting both done at the same time is a challenge with my current health status, but I am plugging away and doing as much as I can.

Today I managed to find the time to add a couple of new cars to server for the police ( sorry civs the emergency services are a priority right now as there is way more vehicles for you guys to use and only a few standard for the police, and none extra for either the medical service or fire service )

Here is a picture of the three vehicle's I have managed to get in the game and working

Close up of the 2018 Dodge Charger Pursuit Edition

The 2017 Chevrolet Silverado 4x4

and last but not least the 2017 Chevrolet Silverado

Some random screens while testing these vehicles out

I am having issues with these cars though as NONE of the sirens work, their lightbar etc seems to be working ok, just they are not very bright, but I am hoping to find a fix for this, but I have only tested them for 10mins or so and this was done in bright sunshine, so hopefully ill find a work around to get the sirens working etc

Keep checking back for more information or join our official Forums click this link Gaming Madhouse Forums ( Forums are a work in progress and have only been just opened again this is a work in progress ) or join our official discord, and chat with members of our ever growing gaming community click this link Offical Madhouse Gaming Discord


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