Due to having many problems with my health, I have been unable to give the attention that the TSGmods network of sites requires, and not having the funds to be able to continue to pay for the server costs ( thank you Joel for your amazing contribution ), which continue to rise on a monthly basis, it is with a sad heart that I will be forced to close the forums and the main TSGmods.com. when this will happen I can not say, but it will be at least within the next 2 months, I do not wish to do this and many of you that know me, know how much time and effort I have put into these sites, we will still have the tsgmods blog and facebook pages, and maybe we will start a fresh on a free hosting forums.
Many of you will be asking the question, how cant this site make money as there is advertising on the top and bottom of all the pages, well it is simple, the revenue generated from these adverts is pennies, and that is not a understatement, in the last 4 months the total the advertisement has raised comes to less than £4.40, and thats not per week, or even per month, that is the total for the last 4 months combined, this would be fine if this revenue covered the server costs, but I am afraid it does not come anywhere near, the raised money would not even cover a single week, let alone a month.
A very apologetic and saddened
PS: There is a thread on the forums for members to discuss this with the TSGmods staff, any and all questions should be directed to this thread
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