Monday, 12 August 2013

Hosted Blog Post - Impressions from the DLC

SCS updated their blog with the following post, on Monday, August 12, 2013

The following is a direct transcript of text written by a long-term fan and supporter of our games, currently helping us with beta testing of the Going East! add-on for ETS2:

SCS Software decided to invite only a few chosen people to start playing and testing their upcoming project – DLC for ETS2. I have a big pleasure to be among them. It is so important for me, because most of added terrain in the DLC is terrain of Poland – the country when I live.

If you are not from Poland, you must know that Polish roads are really specific. Most of main roads are tight, narrow and going through hundreds of towns and cities. What is more, the condition of them is rather bad. On the other hand, many of them are now under renovation or reconstruction.

The producers of DLC had such a difficult job to do. They had to show Polish road network as much worse than in the Western Europe, but on the other hand as one which is under intensive reconstruction. What is more, Polish fanbase had big expectations connected with Going East DLC. We all know that is impossible to build every bigger city (Poland has 16 voivodeships, 11 of them would be included in game, as cities with landmarks and cargos), add hundreds of towns, thousands of kilometeres of ratty roads.

I think that SCS had done such a good job. Much better than me and most of Polish fans were expecting. Many people were thinking that SCS would make roads in Poland as boring, straight, wide motorways, without any climate. They were mistaken. Admittedly, they haven't included furrows in Polish roads, but they made them as they should look: tight, narrow, and full of roadcrosses. You can do deliveries in only 11 of 16 capitals of voivodeships, but on the other hand you are allowed to go through few smaller cities and towns. The map is also full of landmarks and beautiful places. I was shocked when I saw the characteristic railway bridge near Lublin – city where I come from. I don't want to leak everything about map, so I will just add, that you must explore Masurian Lakeland.

Don't be surprised when comfortable, wide motorway suddenly ends, and you will be forced to leave it and continue your journey going through switchback road.
The map is now under the beta tests. As one of testers, I must tell that it has less bugs than I expected. I hope that we will not find too many bugs and it would be released by local publishers as expected – in September 2013. The map is little bit unequal. It has its better and worse parts. I hope that we, as beta testers, will help SCS to equalize and polish it.


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