Friday, 5 October 2012

Headlights On The Trucks

I keep getting asked on my Utube channel, via comments and private messages, do the extra addon truck lights actually work, and do they make the road ahead appear brighter.

So I thought I would take a couple of screenshots showing the difference between having the extra lights on and when they are off, and you can clearly see that they make not only a small difference but it is a massive difference.

The screenshot below, shows the Valiant FH16 with the normal standard mainbeam on.

Now the screenshot below is taken from the same place, with the same exact truck, but with the extra addon lights switched on, so when you press the button for the main beam or to flash your headlights they come on, can you see the difference between the two?.

And the third screensot is actually two combined together of the above screenshots to make it easier to compare the two when view in full screen mode

Below is a external view of the truck used to show the difference between the lights.

I hope that this answers some of the questions that the fans on Utube keep asking me.

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