Monday, 22 April 2013

Life Of A Virtual Trucker Part 9 ( Duisburg To Numberg ) Part 2

Finally found the time to upload part 2 of episode 9 for your viewing pleasure.

We take up where we left off at the rest stop it is now morning so on we go to Numberg

Part 10 coming soon

Win a free copy of ETS2 check out my forums and blog for details links below

Forums -
Blog -

Friday, 19 April 2013

Want to Drive a Truck for Real?

SCS announced on their blog about a competititon with partners excalibur publishing to allow the winner to take a heavy good vehicle driving course

 The great guys at our UK publishing partner Excalibur Publishing have come up with a very cool idea to help promote Euro Truck Simulator 2 - a unique competition with a chance to win a Heavy Goods Vehicle driving course. Check it out!

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Life Of A Virtual Trucker Part 9 ( Duisburg To Numberg ) Part 1

Another short load, From Duisburg To Numberg, the Trans European Logistics bosses it seems are determinded to keep me from the UK, as it seems I am going further away with every load, but I think a long return trip back to the UK is on the cards soon.

Part 2 coming soon

Watch out for part 10 of the life of a virtual trucker coming soon

If you do not have a copy of this wonderfiul game goto the forums, we are currently running a competition to win a free copy of this amazing game full details can be found here

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

New trucks coming to ETS2

SCS posted on their blog earlier today about the new truck models and released more information about the upcoming long awaited updates

Heres the Original Blog Post

We have several new truck models under construction for Euro Truck Simulator 2. Today we'd like to show you a glimpse of another really cool looking model!

New trucks and lots more content will be gradually released in upcoming free patches of the game (though we also plan paid add-ons eventually). We understand that we are pushing your patience with game updates not appearing as quickly as you would like, but rest assured that we are working really hard on overhauling and improving major features of the game and the game engine to make things better. These are major changes, and they take time to implement, but they are necessary for us to be able to evolve the game features and technology properly. We need to lift internal memory constraints, improve our map construction and asset creation pipeline,we need to make the engine run smoother, and last but not least, we need to see how to make the game even more engaging. We are in this for the long run, ETS2 is still getting a lot of our love, and its continued evolution features highly in our plans for world domination ;-). Please have patience with us!

So fingers crossed this might mean that a new update is due soon, I know alot of fans of the game have been itiching to get their hands on the update for the game, not only to fix some known bugs but to also extend the life of their game, as by now the vast majority of players will have explored 100% of the gaming map, fingers crossed that SCS will release new information and a release date 

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Life Of A Virtual Trucker Video's

It has been a while since I posted on the blog, but thought I had 10 mins spare to put a quick post and update to the latest goings on in my virtual trucking world.

What have I been doing you ask?.......well I have started a playlist on Utube with videos of me driving my virtual truck around the virtual world that is of course Euro Truck Simulator 2, so far there are 8 video's in the series and they seem popular with my subscribers on Utube.

As I drive real trucks for a living, I have been trying to drive the virtual truck in the game like I would in my real life career, but it can be a bit difficult some times remembering to stick to the rules of the road in a virtual world, but it has been great fun and I love recording the video's, and I do not intend to stop recording them either, I can not say how many video's will end up in this playlist.

Here is the link to my Utube Channel
Here is the link to my Life Of A Virtual Trucker playlist

And now a couple of screenshots of Euro Truck Simulator 2
